Prior to attending a camp outing the following MUST be completed:
All attending adults must complete the BSA Youth Protection Training.
Pack 39 dues must be paid.
Healthcare Form for every attendee and signed Behavior Contract for every scout must be turned in to the Committee Chair.
Prior to all outings parents will receive a Signup Genius link to RSVP for themselves, their scout, and any other family members who may be attending. Please be sure to complete this form to help with planning meals and activities.
Items for outing: usual car-camping gear
a list of recommended items can be found here
Each person must have:
plate, cup and utensils for eating (no paper goods or extras will be available on site)
daypack for hikes and/or bike rides
reusable water bottle
Reminder: Pack’s meals can be supplemented with your favorites or to suit your needs.
If you'd like, bring a camp stove or coffee preparation equipment, and join the breakfast cooks on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Parents and especially scouts may be cold at night and in the mornings. To combat the cold, bring:
layer-able clothing and bring lots of layers.
a blanket to go in or over your sleeping bags.
a warm hat (and consider gloves) for everyone.
a tasty, high-calorie snack to eat at bedtime (or if you wake up cold; e.g., Cliff bars or Snickers; don't sleep with open food or wrappers inside your tent unless you like furry visitors.)
a camping stove, even if it's just a backpacking stove, so that you can make your own coffee, hot chocolate, etc.
Other recommended gear and food includes: sunscreen, water, fruit punch or Gatorade mix-ins (makes staying hydrated more palatable for some), day snacks, and any supplemental food items.
As always, please ask any of the leaders if you need packing help or advice.
Each trip involves a pack hike on Saturday morning after breakfast. Often there is a long option and a short option.